Thyme Again Gardens Organic Farm

Our diverse 115-acre organic farm is located in the quaint and picturesque community of Carrying Place, Prince Edward County. Since 1997, we have been working toward creating a sustainable family farm operation, including growing and grinding our own grains for animal feed, harvesting renewable energy sources, and growing food in accordance with biodynamic principles.

We raise heritage breeds of beef cattle, geese, ducks, chickens, and sheep for both food and companionship. Add a donkey, a pair Great Pyrenees sheep dogs and a gaggle of barn cats, and you’ll soon see why we enjoy being surrounded by our animal friends.

Our one-acre market garden features heritage tomatoes, peppers, beans, cucumbers, oriental greens, and many other unique vegetables. The food we produce fulfills most of the culinary needs of our Bed & Breakfast. We also have a self-serve seasonal roadside farm stand. Watch for our signs on Highway 33 and stop by for fresh hand-picked fruits and veggies -- better yet, shop online for fresh-picked-just-for-you produce!!

Thyme Again Gardens also sells fleece in a variety of colours and textures from our mixed- and pure-bred Shetland flock.


The Farm Stand is open Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 9am to 5pm.

You can also place an order online. Payment is cash or e-transfer only.